Project Description
The purpose of this study is to develop a database, based on calculations of energy requirement for buildings, and to save the knowledge obtained through these calculations. This is obtained by a database, where it is possible to view all data in one list, or to make analyses based on the data in predefined diagrams. The data is collected through different project stages, and through these stages there is a tendency for an increasing energy requirement. Therefore, the intention is to develop a methodology to estimate the final energy requirement for buildings already in the early stages of design, and to lower the requirement in the end. In this study, the utility of the database is illustrated by an analysis of different tendencies of energy requirement for dwellings, and a case-study in which the energy requirement for a school building is estimated.
The database gives an overall view of the energy requirement, although there are not enough calculations within one building type, to give accurate results. The potential of the database is great, and the results of the analyses will get more accurate when more calculations are added to the database.
Nærværende rapport udgør et bachelorprojekt udarbejdet af studerende på ingeniørhøjskolen i Aarhus. Gennem projektet er der udarbejdet en erfaringsdatabase, Be10Database, i samarbejde med ingeniørfirmaet Artelia. Firmaet har udleveret et excelark med den grundlæggende kode, til indhentning af XML-filer, som der i dette projekt er arbejdet videre på. Desuden har Artelia udleveret Be10-beregninger, samt uddybende beskrivelser af disse. I den forbindelse er der udarbejdet en fortrolighedsaftale mellem firmaet og de studerende.