Project Description

Stationære og adaptive komfortmodeller


The indoor environment of buildings plays an important role for human health, well being and comfort, and it has therefore been found interesting to investigate whether the methods described of the standards and building regulations available today are sufficient for evaluation of the thermal environment.

This report is initiated with a literature study where existing evaluation methods for qualification and quantification the thermal environment of buildings are studied. The methods include both steady state as well as adaptive comfort models. Through the literature study it is found that human expectation for the indoor climate is different respectively mechanically refrigerated and naturally ventilated buildings.

Thus, models and evaluation methods for both office and residential buildings is reviewed and worked with through the literature and analytical study.

For determination of which methods that are best suited to evaluation of the thermal environment in the different building types, relevant methods are analysed. Through the literature study, it was concluded that the evaluation method according to DS 474 (1993) and BR10 (2011), which is currently used to evaluate
the thermal environment in office buildings and residential buildings does not provide adequate information about the comfort level or the deviation. Based on the results from the analysis as well as the literature study, a preliminary design guide with alternative evaluation methods for thermal evaluation in respectively office- and residential buildings has been completed.


Da indeklimaet i bygninger spiller en væsentlig rolle for menneskets sundhed, komfort og velvære, findes det interessant at undersøge hvorvidt metoderne beskrevet af vejledende normer, standarder og reglementer er tilstrækkelige til evaluering af bygningers termiske indeklima.

Nærværende rapport er indledt med et litteraturstudie, hvor eksisterende evalueringsmetoder til kvalificering og kvantificering af en bygnings termiske indeklima er undersøgt. Metoderne omfatter både stationære komfortmodeller såvel som adaptive. Gennem litteraturstudiet er det fundet, at menneskets forventning
til en indeklimaet er forskellige for hhv. mekanisk kølet og naturligt ventilerede bygninger. Der er således arbejdet med modeller og evalueringsmetoder for både kontorbygninger og boliger gennem litteratur- og analysestudiet.

Til fastlæggelse af hvilke metoder der bedst egner sig til evaluering af det termiske indeklima i de forskellige bygningstyper, er relevante metoder analyseret. Af analysestudiet blev det konkluderet, at evalueringsmetoden iht. DS 474 (1993) og BR10 (2011) der i dag anvendes ved evaluering af det termiske indeklima i hhv. kontorbygninger og boliger ikke giver tilstrækkelig information omkring komfortniveauet og afvigelsen herfra. Baseret på resultaterne fra analyserne samt litteraturstudiet er der efterfølgende udarbejdet et forslag til en Designguide med alternative evalueringsmetoder til brug ved evaluering af det termiske indeklima i hhv. kontorbygninger og boliger.

Project Provider

  • Office: Artelia|Aarhus

  • Project ID: #5

  • Date: 2013-02-26

  • Address: Åboulevarden 22

  • Supervisor: Steffen E. Maagaard & Arne Førlund-Larsen

  • Phone: +45 8750 8700

  • Email:

  • Students: Sabine Mols Slaikjær

  • Collaborators: Aarhus Universitet